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Haruka Honoki was born on October 27th, 1997 and raised in Osaka, Japan. At age 12 she started her dance career with styles of Animation-popping, breakdance, hiphop and jazz. At age 14, she was inspired by Justin Bieber and his backup dancers. She then decided to train her dance skills in the USA in hopes of working with him. In Japan, she was apart of the Animation-popping girl's dance crew called "KINGDOM(金倶打夢)" with two other girls. They performed at famous competitions, performances, and TV events. From these performances and competitions, they have won many awards. For her personal acitivies, she was working for stages such as FIAT's "500X" press conference in Tokyo as ZANGE's disciple. Right after she graduated high school in 2016, she left Japan for New York to train her dance skills at Broadway Dance Center ISVP. She has been able to study under many world famous dancers/artists such as: Shirlene Quigley, David Thomas, Tracie Stanfield, Jamie Salmon, Eric Campros, and Ashle Dawson. While she was at BDC, she assisted David Thomas. She is now in "Queendom Crew" led by Shirlene Quigley. She has done various performances, backup dancing, music videos, and modeled in New York. She has backup danced for "Everybody Dance Now" by Zelma Davis. Also performing outside of New York in Boston as a guest performer. She was in the music video "Flipmode" by Chris Brown, Fabolous, and Velous. From August-November 2017 she performed and competed at the world famous APOLLO THEATER AMATEUR NIGHT. Many famous people such as Michael Jackson, Jackson 5, James Brown, and Stevie Wonder have performed there. She became a 1st place winner for the REGULAR SHOW and the SHOW OFF while also placing 3rd for TOP DOG. She finally became a Top 10 finalist for the SUPER TOP DOG at APOLLO TEATER AMUTEUR NIGHT 2017. She drew attention from "Roger Ross Williams" and a Japanese documentary TV while she was in APOLLO.


朴木晴香(ほうのき はるか) 1997年10月27日大阪府大東市生まれ。
高校卒業後Broadway Dance Center ISVPに入学しバレエ、コンテンポラリー、タップなども幅広くダンスを学ぶ。Tracie Stanfield, Jamie Salmon, David Thomas, Ashle Dawson, Eric Campros, Shirlene Quigleyなど世界的に有名なダンサーに師事。David Thomasのアシスタントを務め、またBeyoncéのバックダンサーも務めたことのあるShirlene Quigley率いる"Queendom Crew"に所属。
"Everybody Dance Now"を歌うZelma Davisのバックダンサーを務めたり、Chris Brownも歌うFLIPMODEのオフィシャルミュージックビデオにも出演。
​2017年8月末に行われた、プロへの登竜門と言われマイケルジャクソン、ジェームスブラウン、ジャクソン5、スティービーワンダーなど多くのスターを輩出して来たAPOLLO THEATER AMATEUR NIGHTのREGULAR SHOW, SHOW OFFの2大会連続優勝、準決勝のTOP DOGは高レベルの中3位に入賞し、11月末に行われた年間チャンピオンを決める決勝大会SUPER TOP DOGにも出場し約400人中2017年度のTop 10 Finalistとなった。それに伴い映画会社やテレビ局からのオファーがありアメリカでのドキュメンタリー映画の出演や日本でのテレビ出演が決まり、またニューヨークで新聞にも掲載された。

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